Who We Are

Who is The California Society for Respiratory Care? The California Society for Respiratory Care is the premier professional membership association providing applicable education, professional development, representation, and a community for Respiratory Care Practitioners in California.

What does the CSRC Do For Your Profession? Every day, Respiratory Care Practitioners touch people’s lives by helping them to breathe – each breath sustains life. In much the same way, the CSRC is the breath of life for Respiratory Care Practitioners and the profession in California. The CSRC represents you in Sacramento keeping on top of legislation and ensuring the security of your profession. In addition, as an AARC affiliate, the CSRC works with other affiliates and Respiratory Care agencies on national issues which impact your profession.
Why does the CSRC serve? We are RCPs too! We have the same wants, needs, and desires as any other RCPs. The CSRC strives to have all-inclusive representation from all sectors of the profession. We have found that the CSRC serves as the most successful means to navigate government and the healthcare system to build a stronger, better Respiratory Profession.

When do we meet? There are all kinds of meetings and activities going on all year round. Most meetings are held virtually and most often last an hour or less. The Board meets on a quarterly basis virtually, with one live meeting in conjunction with the Annual Convention. We have many committees (Education, Program, Governmental Affairs, Membership, etc.) and 6 Regions which all meet virtually, minimally on a quarterly basis. These groups all meet to discuss and act on contemporary matters impacting the Respiratory Care Profession.

How does the CSRC operate? The CSRC starts with YOU – the typical RCP who is curious about how the system works or has an issue they want addressed. There are approximately 24,000 licensed RCPs in California and all have differing perspectives. It takes more than just identifying issues, we need YOUR support, minimally through membership, but volunteerism too in helping to address those identified issues and challenges. Please start by joining us as a member If you wish to seek more information on volunteering, You can reach out to the CSRC President by going to the Board of Directors page of the website and click on the link under the President. This will open to Gmail, and you can send them an email with your request. Or you can contact the CSRC Executive Office, [email protected] and they can forward your information.