Member Types

Membership Categories - review the categories below and select the correct option.
Note: Some options include automatic renewal. Please contact the CSRC office to opt-out of automatic renewal.

Active -   Individuals are eligible for Active membership if they are an AARC Active or Life member in good standing.  Active Members shall have the right to vote and hold office as well as all rights and privileges of the Corporation and its subdivisions.
*AARC membership (combo) will take up to 10 business days for activation. If you need your membership activated sooner please reach out to [email protected].

CSRC Only (w/Advocacy Defense Fund)   CSRC/AARC (Basic) Combo
◦ $78/Yr
◦ $146/2 Yrs (Save $10)
  ◦ $174/Yr ($78 CSRC + $96 AARC)
◦ $338/2 Yrs ($146 + $192)*
*CSRC cannot discount AARC dues


State -  Individuals are eligible for State Membership if they are not Active members in the Corporation. State Members shall have all the rights and privileges of the Corporation and is subdivision except voting and holding office. State Members shall be eligible to hold appointed positions in the corporation regions only.

CSRC Only (w/Advocacy Defense Fund)
◦ $78/Yr
◦ $146/2 Yrs (Save $10)


Associate -  Individuals are eligible for Associate membership if they have an interest in the respiratory profession and do not meet the requirement to become an Active or State member of the corporation. Associate members shall have all the rights and privileges of the corporation and its subdivisions except holding office and voting.

◦ $78/Yr
◦ $146/2 Yrs (Save $10)


Student -  Individuals who are enrolled in a respiratory therapy program are eligible for Student Membership. Student members shall have all the rights and privileges of the Corporation except they shall be non-voting members. Student members shall be eligible to hold appointed positions.

CSRC Student (w/Advocacy Defense Fund)
◦ $25/1 Yr
◦ $40/2 Yr (Save $10)


Graduating? So, you’re a Student Member and graduating? Contact CSRC Executive Officer for your $50 Graduation gift in the form of a discount to transition your membership to Active status.
Are you 65 or older? Hung up your stethoscope? Retired? Limited and fixed incomes can be challenging! We want to help you keep your membership and stay involved! You’re eligible for our special rate of $25/Yr for our senior members!! Contact the Executive Office to get this rate! 

Notice: Funds donated to the CSRC Advocacy Defense Fund are utilized to advocate for legislation and supports legislation and regulations that positively affect Respiratory Care Therapists in California. 10% of your dues are not deductible as a business expense due to the extent CSRC engages in lobbying activities.

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