Managers Only Please

Click Here to register

Shaping the Future of Respiratory Care in California

Join us for a crucial discussion with the Respiratory Care Board BSRT sub-committee on the recent survey regarding the requirement of a

Baccalaureate Degree for Entry-Level Respiratory Therapists and their findings.

This is a CSRC Management Section meeting and will only allow those in leadership positions to attend this meeting. Please share with your network of California managers.

This is your opportunity to:

  • Discuss the survey findings and their impact on staff and management roles.
  • Share your insights and recommendations.
  • Collaborate on a formal letter of support to the Board.

WHEN: Thursday, November 7th at 5pm

Register Here

Passcode: 957500

Two days prior to the event, the Zoom link will be sent to you. Thank you for your participation and collaboration!